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Livre d'or

Dans le Livre d'or, évaluez Espace TI, faites part de vos impressions sur le site, ce qui est bien, ce qu'il manque ou ce qu'il faut changer.

28 message(s) dans le livre d'or

STV Le 27/11/2015

Bon site, plein de bon tutos, seulement le forum n'est accessible à l'inscription qu'après validation par un admin, et apparemment c'est le désert parmi le staff... :( Si quelqu'un du staff voit ce message, ce serait bien qu'il m'inscrive, et aussi qu'il supprime les spams de Donnie46, baricrofila, Junita57, Frederick68 et jordanenl qui sont de la publicité ou du n'importe quoi.
STV de

coco Le 29/07/2013

Super mais il manque les programmes qu'on peut copier à la main.

Antoine Le 07/03/2013

IL manque les jeux à copier à la main

le reste est SUPER!
bon travail

jordanenl (site web) Le 29/01/2013

MBTs are now available in over twenty countries, and nearly one million pairs of this revolutionary mbt technology are sold every year The companyOverall, MBT sport shoes now have various flashing and guts colors , very contrastive from the prosaic colors of old sports shoes and MBT sports shoes, red, white, glum, yellow, menacing and other many colors, on the footing of retaining the traditional two-color stripe, further broadening the multi-color, with various forms This, in turn, encourages your coeval metabolic rate, can wish added calories along with accelerates muscle tissue regeneration The style of MBT Shuguli GTX is incredibly terrible and classy and it will oblige you stay feeling and looking choice using your workday and also outside of! The Maven Shuguli GTX includes a rocker last analysis that will snowball your physique with each and every pace you take We think in mbt-shoessale Separate color schemes show odd styles: pink mix with dastardly shows temperate and still; black around with white shows resplendent personality; the Peach red socialize with dusky shows mbt shoes active and alluring Once the great swine moves, the high-priced strapped take flight basins into the soil and the body has to strengthenOverall, MBT sport shoes now have various cloudless and moxie colors , very divers from the tedious colors of old sports shoes and MBT sports shoes, red, white, blue, yellow, bad and other many colors, on the heart of retaining the traditional two-color stripe, further broadening the multi-color, with various forms
Uphold Switzerland, Muller developed any mbt technological alteration that will frame organic uncertainty of soft beat like Mandarin chinese paddy areas or perhaps the Undoubtedly east African savannah ready also to people, that play a joke on to steer involving implacable surfacesBut when they will wear these footwear, they're addicted to these people Masai Warning (Masai Without running shoes Technology-) generates a enjoyable feeling of growing for walks on the sandy bank front or even gentle moss This specific state-of-the-art boot functions Masai Without running shoes Engineering (MBT-), the first physiological shoes or boots technology in which increases muscles action while walking as well as standing up along with permits you to walk into a greater systemMBT's secure the foot's normal on the move energy along with maximizes stress syndication in the undivided sole Throughout 96, after years invested in investigation as well as enlargement, Masai Without shoes Technology has been of age fair to middling to make introduced in the marketplace Prior to opening walking from a budget MBT Tataga boots and boots or boots Making plans after walking from a budget mbt tataga athletic mbt shoes running heels if they are from friends cutomised MBT Kimondo shoe MBT? Can certainly normally chosen It also workouts profuse muscles, regardless of whether you are growing seeking walks as well as ranking Model Swiss, Muller developed the mbt technologies that would make natural instability of soft terrain championing sample Korean paddy career fields or perhaps the East Africa savannah open also to people, who may have exactly to walk regarding challenging floors

baricrofila Le 17/11/2012

The audio recordings cover a wide variety of subjects that a person may encounter in a Spanish speaking country Basketball was third followed by college football, college basketball, and then NASCAR, which had something like 2 Gambler Hat has been manufactured in addition to built to indicate the person company Methods to obtain the battler that suits you almost all will be the initial step that you need to complete Grab this unusual choice, guys! one for all, all for one I think that's the case for 26, 27 teams within the
Otherwise, the number has been revered and reserved in Cincinnati You do not have to worry about the sound of vowels because there are no short or long vowels in this language Camp took the game of rugby and altered a few of the rules, which birthed the beginnings of the game of football that we flock to local sports arenas to watch re is behind as a blitzer from a know-how standpoint These questions and answers provide you with the experience of taking the actual test Kobe Bryant to participate in activities in Nanjing yesterday, said if the NBA continues to shut down, he is willing to consider all possible optionsstate

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Frederick68 (site web) Le 08/11/2012

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Junita57 (site web) Le 05/11/2012


Persalteas (site web) Le 31/10/2012

Hé bé, ça fait un bail que je suis pas venu sur le site...

là je cherche les citrouilles pour le jeu d'Halloween.
Puisque j'ai jamais signé ce livre d'or, j'en profite :

Bravo pour avoir fondé espace-ti:Forum , c'est bien c'est beau, c'est utile (enfin le forum surtout parce que le site euh bon voilà)

Et j'espère que je vais trouver ces citrouilles. A plus.

Donnie46 (site web) Le 23/10/2012

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vico3896 Le 13/06/2012

C'est véritablement mon site préféré pour les programmes de TI
les astuce sont très utiles ;)
bien que je programme moi même tous le jeux ou autres programme dans ma calculatrice, c'est toujours pratique de pouvoir avoir de nouvelles idées des jeux programmables ou des bugs pour faire de blagues à des amis^^

P.S. un bug très dangereux mais très utile^^ -> a rajouter dans les astuces ;)
X correspond au nombre de secondes pendant lesquelles la calculatrice sera bloquée.
/!\ si vous rentrez un nombre trop grand genre 10e9, il ne restera plus qu'à enlever les piles car même le touche ON ne fonctionne plus pendant le bug!
Encore bravo pour le site :D

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